New Life
Its been great seeing the yard come to life. Everyday another plant grows and the look and feel of the yard slightly changes. The one thing that isn't turning green is our Christmas tree. Yup, that's right our tree has been on our deck post-Christmas. I wanted to keep it and cut it up and burn it in our fire pit. Turns out our dead tree is a great home for a cardinal momma and her babies. But one bad storm later the tree was knocked over and the eggs spilled out. I managed to not touch the eggs and got them back in the nest now we'll cross our fingers and see.
These are the cardinal eggs in our old Christmas Tree.
In our yard is a shed and we have a robin nest in the rafters. It was hard to get the camera up there to see how many eggs are in there but I can make out two from this photo. The momma freaks me out every time I go get wood.
These four beauties are in a mistletoe bush by our front porch. These are tucked away in a sea of thorny leaves and are in perfect condition. The eggs are so blue, this Robin did a great job with her nest as well.
Lastly are our favorites. These yellow finch eggs are inside of the wreath on our front door. What's cool is that the nest is built behind it and with our door being all glass, we have a front row see to these eggs. It makes it bad for the momma though because she is constantly getting scared away by us walking by or turning a light on. Its a great safe spot but also a high traffic area.
We can't wait to see these all hatch. I'l make another post with the chicks and catalog their progress as well.